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The NEARWEEK weekly newsletter provides an ecosystem overview of what's happening within the NEAR Protocol & greater Open Web ecosystems. ⚡️Subscribe to the NEARWEEK RSS FEED 📩 Subscribe to the weekly NEARWEEK newsletter
Below is an outline of the different roles and opportunities available to those entering the NEARWEEK ecosystem
See any intersting news you want NEARWEEK to pick up? Everyone can help crowdsource news to the NEAR & Aurora Ecosystem by submitting links to us on Twitter via the NEARWEEK BOT
When you have mastered the art of submitting news, you can be eligible to become a news curator, this will get you voting power and you will receive an additional bonus every week from the newsletter. Read more regarding the curation process.
Fancy joining the core team of NEARWEEK? If you impress us at NEARWEEK through dedication and consistent contribution as a news submitter & curator, we will reach out and offer additional working opportunities as they present themselves, don't be a stranger fren!
In the following sections we will outline the each individual process of input, throughout and output of NEARWEEK news.